
The Weight You Do Not See

You seem more worried about your job right now than your husband.


You told me not to share with our client that my husband’s cancer has returned. That’s fine – it’s work. They don’t need to know everything.

You seem more worried about your job right now than your husband.

I worry about coverage. What do I tell them? I don’t have specifics yet. It’s all still in limbo. Except for a trip to NY to meet with a surgeon.

              You seem more worried about your job right now than your husband.

Seriously WTF

All these hours later your words still plague my brain.

              You seem more worried about your job right now than your husband.

What you don’t realize is that your words have sealed our fate. Yours & mine. I see the ribbon unraveling. There will be no frayed ends to mend when I walk away. It will be a crisp clean edge.

Because here is what I know. That you should know.

I’ve walked this path before.

It will try to break me. It will take the breath from my lungs & bring me to my knees.

You however will not.

But since we’re here now.

You & I.

Allow me to explain.

I’ve fought battles you’ll never understand. Not because you’re incapable, but because you haven’t lived them. You haven’t woken up every day to the uncertainty that gnaws at your sanity, forcing you to stand strong for the sake of those around you. You haven’t had to juggle a career while watching the person you love wither under the weight of a disease that shows no mercy.

              You seem more worried about your job right now than your husband.

You’re not only wrong. You’re unwittingly brutal.

Work is the only thing I can control right now. It’s the one piece of my life that hasn’t been overtaken by fear and helplessness. It is the one area where I can try  to maintain a semblance of normalcy in a world that’s anything but normal. Trust me, that has nothing to do with priorities—it has everything to do with survival.

The truth is, I am worried about my husband. Terrified, actually. But if I fall apart now, then what? Who picks up the pieces? Who holds everything together?

So, yes, I’m here, doing my job, like I always do. But don’t mistake my professionalism for a lack of care or love. I can carry this weight on my shoulders, but what I won’t carry is your judgment.

And when this is all over—when I’ve fought through the worst of it—there will be a clean break between us. No apologies. No explanations. Because someone who can’t see beyond their own narrow view of the world doesn’t deserve to be a part of mine.

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