Flourless Pancakes
I have to admit, I was skeptical. This recipe came up on my Pinterest feed as “3-ingredient pancakes” and it showed a picture of a banana, 2 eggs and baking powder. Hardly the necessary ingredients to make the delicious, fluffy pancakes I make my kids almost every weekend. But I decided to give it a shot. I looked up a few more similar recipes and noticed some that substituted the baking powder with almond flour or coconut flour, or omitted it all together, but I wanted it to be allergy-friendly for my boys in case I decided to spring these on them one day. So here’s what I used:
The cinnamon and vanilla gave it more of the breakfast pastry flavor that I like, but they can be omitted.
The first batch wasn’t pretty. These things don’t flip very well because they are very delicate. But I tried again the next day and I got the hang of it.
The banana and 2 eggs made a pretty decent stack and could easily be split between 2 people, but I poured on some maple syrup and ate the whole thing myself (all for the benefit of the blog, of course). I would compare the flavor to a thick crepe or french toast bake. And the best part, it was super easy! I plan to try some variations on this recipe as I always have bananas and eggs on hand. Yum!!
Flourless Pancakes
Serves 1-2
1 ripe banana
2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder (or almond flour or coconut flour, or omit all together)
sprinkle of cinnamon
dash of vanilla
Mash banana in a bowl and mix in remaining ingredients. Cook on griddle or stovetop. Serve with maple syrup.
Looks delish! Did you use yellow ripe or turning-brown-perfect-for-banana-bread ripe bananas? 🙂
Just turning brown, mashable but not mushy. 😉