
Meat Free Monday: Toasted Tomato Sandwich

No, I’m not being lazy this is actually what we’re having for dinner tonight.  And yes the photos below are from last night’s dinner… don’t judge :)  There is nothing like a toasted tomato sandwich – it’s the taste of summer.  Fresh from the farmer’s market tomatoes and crisp warm bread…. Sigh


  1. Organic tomatoes – sliced
  2. 2 slices of bread (whole wheat)
  3. Fresh mozzarella
  4. Basil leaves
  5. black pepper (to taste)


  1. Toast the bread
  2. Add remaining ingredients
Slice fresh tomatoes
Pick fresh Basil leaves (from my garden)
Layer ingredients on freshly toasted bread

My husband prefers his sandwich to only have tomatoes and mayonnaise.  How do you prefer yours?

Happy Eating!