Half-Marathon Training – Day 2
30 minutes of Strength Training and Stretch was the workout plan for today.
I decided to change things up a little by taking a Barre class at one of our local exercise studios. Barre is a low impact workout combining ballet, weights and Pilates. The goal is lengthen muscles and increase flexibility. The class started with 100 walking lunges and ended with me using a foam roller to help to massage sore leg muscles. The core of the class was held at the barre – holding isometric movements to the point of fatiguing various muscle groups.
I actually think this class is a perfect addition to running. There is no bouncing or jumping (to jar my knee) and I was drenched in sweat by the end. There were various ages and body types in the class. Everyone completed the exercise movements to the best of their ability. There was no judgement just encouragement… everyone was too busy watching their own legs shake from effort.
I forgot to take a post-workout photo. But here is a photo of the toe socks I wore – gotta love a workout where you don’t have to wear shoes. Some women in class were barefoot – I just like having a little bit of grip (I’m clumsy).
I also got in an impromptu 2.5 mile hike in the afternoon. I was researching new locations for a charity 5K event for this fall. So, I convinced my dad to hike a wooded trail with me to see if the location would work. Loved the location… though I could have done without the sweltering heat. Here’s a image from our hike. Beautiful right?