Meat Free Monday: Rice and Beans
A few years ago, my sister-in-law (hubby’s sister) and her family lived with us for a few months while their new house was being built. Being in close proximity with family for an extended period of time can be interesting 🙂 but it definitely gave us a chance to get to know each other even better than we did before. One thing I learned about my sister-in-law is that she is actually very domestic and a real good cook. My husband, despite his Irish looks, is actually part German and part Puerto Rican. So it was only natural for my sister-in-law to whip up some Puerto Rican dishes every once in a while. One I am going to share with you is her recipe for Rice and Beans. The rice for the recipe is white, medium grain rice…so not the healthiest rice out there, but not sure I’m ready to substitute for brown rice just because it will really change the dish! Maybe I’ll try it one day and let you all know how it turned out. Also, I use the Goya brand of almost all ingredients listed below, but I am sure there are other brands out there…this is just what I have found in my grocery store and it’s what I use. This is one of those recipes where it was a watch and learn process, no written recipe. Sometimes I think those are the best! Enjoy!
Stephie’s Rice and Beans
3-1/2 cups water
1 jar of sofrito
5-6 green olives
Salt and pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients in a large pot (non stick is best), boil water out, then cover and simmer until rice is done, about 15-20 minutes.