DIY Wood Furniture Cleaner

I have another easy house cleaning swap for you. I came across this option when I desperately needed to wipe down my coffee table after getting a new puppy, but didn’t have any Pledge. We had puppy hair everywhere! And it didn’t help that she discovered this cozy place to sleep!

What I love about this wood furniture cleaner is it’s simple and made with everything I always have on hand, so I’ll never run out. I added lemon essential oil because it’s a natural disinfectant and it smells fresh and clean.

But the biggest advantage of swapping out my furniture cleaner is no more toxic chemicals in my household, at least for this one product. The Pledge I had been using got a big, fat F rating from the Environmental Working Group. Ouch.

To make this less-toxic cleaner, just mix the following in a spray bottle:

✔️1 cup of water

✔️1/4 cup white distilled vinegar

✔️2 Tbs olive oil

✔️10-15 drops essential oil

So easy! I put mine in this glass spray bottle I got as a free gift when I signed up for Grove.

The label probably won’t last long but I put it on there for now until I’ve made it enough times that I can do it from memory.

I store my bottle in this cute pail (another free Grove gift) along with my DIY Sink Scrub.

Let me know if you try it and what you think, and stay healthy!