
Holiday Bingo for Self Care

The last couple weeks of the year can sometimes be a blur. There is a lot of go, go, go and we lose track of the hours and the days. Overindulgence on food, sugary sweets and beverages is hard to avoid and a lot of the healthier habits we created throughout the year are briefly forgotten. But if you are looking for motivation to pause, take a breath and infuse your busy days with some healthy habits, print out our Holiday Bingo card and see if you can “win” during these last couple weeks of the year. Maybe you start over with a fresh bingo card daily, or maybe you leave it out over a span of a few days until you can get a BINGO. However you choose to play is up to you. And if you do get that bingo? Treat yourself to a little something! After all, no one deserves it more than you!

Happy Holidays and Stay Healthy!

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