
Navigating Breast Cancer Awareness Month as a Survivor

Before breast cancer, October was about pumpkins and spice and everything nice. But after battling breast cancer, October can be a complex mix of emotions. For many, it’s a time of reflection, education, and empowerment. But for others, all the pink is a stark reminder of the fear that comes along with battling an unpredictable, incurable disease. It took years before I stopped hating all things pink and wanted to wear pink again! So, from one survivor to another, here are some ways we can navigate October amid all the pink reminders:

Acknowledge the journey

First and foremost, let’s take a moment to acknowledge our different journeys. Surviving breast cancer is no small feat. No matter the stage, and whether it was recent or we are several years into remission, every survivor’s path is unique. Let us feel pride in our resilience and strength and acknowledge every milestone, big or small, along the way.

BalancE Awareness and Emotional Health

While raising awareness is crucial, it can also be overwhelming as a survivor or someone actively going through treatment. Social media is flooded with stories that can bring back memories, good and bad. Many stores are inundated with pink products to promote awareness. We can engage when it resonates with us positively, but it’s more than ok to step back and walk away, no explanation required, to protect ourselves emotionally.

TakE Action

One thing I love about my own breast cancer non-profit, the Step Sisters, is we promote taking ACTION to support others going through treatment.  This could be something as simple as sharing our own stories with others to provide a “you are not alone” support system, or volunteering with an organization that impacts women directly who are currently going through treatment. Being involved could be a meaningful way to turn our experiences into something positive.

Self-Care is Essential

Self-care is not selfish, as we always say here at Everyday Road to Healthy, and it should be prioritized, especially during stressful or emotional times. Whether it’s scheduling a spa day, taking a trip, or simply curling up with a good book, let’s nourish our mental and physical well-being, not just during October, but regularly throughout the year!

Celebrate Survivorship

Finally, let’s celebrate ourselves and our fellow survivors. Whenever I meet a new survivor, the first thing I say is “congratulations”! The journey was filled with struggles, but here we stand to talk about it and support each other. I am reminded daily that not everyone is as fortunate, and the life I have built since diagnosis is truly a gift worth celebrating. So for everyone who has walked this path, whether it’s breast cancer or any type of cancer, I join you in acknowledgement, support and celebration, this month and every month.

Avon Walk 2012 Celebrating 4 Years of Survivorship

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