How to Stay on Track During the Holidays

We are hosting Thanksgiving this year, which means I have some control over the menu, so I’m trying to make some healthier swaps. But the truth is, my biggest problem is I always overindulge this time of year.  So what am I doing this year to try and stay on track?

Plan Ahead – I’m not a huge turkey or ham fan, but I love the holiday sides. Give me all the sweet potato and green bean casseroles, and let’s not even mention all the desserts! Fortunately this year I have already been tracking what I eat pretty regularly, which has made me more aware of portion sizes and what my daily meals should look like. This year I am going to plan ahead on what my plate will look like, to include portion sizes, so I can stay on track. If I don’t get enough of the sweet potato casserole on Thursday, I’m sure there will be leftovers to eat the next day!

Don’t Skip to Save –  I have been guilty of doing this. I skip meals almost all day to “save” my calories for just one big meal.  All this does is make me so hungry by the time Thanksgiving food is ready, that I lose all rational thought and just eat whatever is in sight to get rid of my hunger pains. This year I may lighten my breakfast and lunch, but I won’t be skipping any meals so that I’m not too ravenous later to make smart decisions. 

Slow Down and Enjoy – Sometimes it takes a minute for the brain to register fullness. The faster I eat, the more food I can consume before my mind tells me I’m full. This year I will give my brain some time to keep up. I plan to eat slowly and savor every bite. After all the effort of cooking a delicious meal, I deserve to take some time to enjoy it.

Don’t Listen to the Peanut Gallery – You know who I’m talking about…the family members who say “come on, it’s just one day out of the year” or “one more serving won’t hurt” or “that’s all you’re going to eat?!”. This year I am choosing to listen to myself when it comes to my food choices, not feeling the need to defend my choices and learning to just say “no thank you” more often.

Fit in Some Fitness – I know it’s a busy day, but I’m going to try for some sort of movement before the madness begins . Maybe I’ll take a walk or take a quick class on my bike, or I may even fit in a quick gym trip with my family. I know I have a lot on my plate (pun intended!) for Thanksgiving, but I will try to make self-care one of those things.

So that’s my plan for Thanksgiving day and throughout the holidays. I will still enjoy myself, but I am going to try and remember all the work I’ve done so far, how good it makes me feel, and how even better I will feel if I can continue to stay on track through the holidays.

Happy Holidays and Stay Healthy!