New Year, New You 2013

It’s a New Year, time for new resolutions… only this year lets be as kind to ourselves as we would be to others.  We want to start off the year right by setting small, manageable changes to our lifestyles.  We can build on those as we get stronger and have some successes behind us.  One way that we here at ERTH are starting our changes is by using a Food & Fitness journal.

Why a journal?  Well, first off a journal helps you to see where you are starting from, point A.  They also allow you to measure your success, determine what motivates you, and trigger points for faltering. Some people have a challenging time moving forward once they perceive that they have failed at even a small change.  But often they haven’t failed, they’ve faltered … we all falter.   The key is knowing that sometimes we need to stumble in our journey in order to find out that we have the courage to try again.

Below is a template of our journal that you can download, 3 hole punch and throw in a binder if you’d like.  We will be beginning our journal today so that we can see our starting point, point A and begin to track our progress.  We are not dieting, but we are “bringing good things into our lives” to quote our friend Cary, of Stay at Home Rock Star.





* Clicking the image will present the PDF file that can then be printed or saved to your computer.

Happy New Year, Happy New You… and heres to continuing the journey,

Angela & Deena


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